Thursday, March 13, 2008

COMPONENT II (Solution model-PDCA)

Component II (Solution model- PDCA)

Step 1: Problem identification and validation.
Give a job opportunity to the disabilities people to work in McDonald.
Step 2: Understanding the current situation.
Understand the kind of job which suitable for them (disabilities people) and did not make them face the difficulty to do their job.
Step 3: Analysis of causes.
Analyze the job that have been given to them and make analysis about the causes of job that suitable for them.

Step 4: Corrective action / proposed solution
Give job to disabilities people by training and develop their skills. Department will survey and take action if they are not suitable with that job and give them to do other job.

Step5: Check result.
At step 5, the result from their job will be checked whether they do the job better or not. Then, check if they do the job by following its specification.

Step 6: Standardization.
At this step, their job will be compared to the job specification. If they do the job better, they will stay for the job .If not, They will be trained to the job by its standardization.
Step 7: Conclusion.
McDonald will decide whether those people with disabilities can work with them or not.
Take notes: It is same PDCA CYCLE for a disabilities customers.

PDCA Cycle for disability customer

Step 1 : problem identification and validation
For the first step, McDonald must find what the most problem to customer especially to disability people either the services are good or not.
Step 2: Understand the current Situation
At step 2, the company will understand the current situation such as the requirement needed for disability people, service and condition that company.
Step 3: Analysis of causes
McDonald can make planning for disability people which is give the best service for them. The company also can make a strategy to take disability attention to came to McDonalds. The company can provide one or two employees to give the best service for disability people such as reveal them the products in McDonalds like beverage, happy meal, set breakfast, and so on. This way can make the disability people know about the food there. The employee also can make order for the disability people so that they feel comfortable and satisfaction came to McDonald. Besides that, the company can make a poster to tell other customer to pay special attention to disability people.

Step 4: Corrective Action / proposed solution
At this step, company will perform what they plan in step 3 above. The management must make sure all the employees take part in give the best service to customer especially to disability people. They can help disability to choose the food and make a order. For the deaf people, the employee can show the list of food in McDonald so that that person can make a order. If someone blind, McDonald’s employee can tell them about the product so that they can imagine the delicious of McDonald.
The company also can ask the customer about their service at McDonald and ask what customer want from that company.
Step 5: Check result

At step 5, McDonald will check the result of the service either the employee give the best service to customer or not. At this step, company also find the lack of the service to the customer.

Step 6: Standardization
At the step of standardization, this company will standardize all of their product. The company can take feedback from customer so that the company can make a change.
Step 7: Conclusion / next steps
For the last step, the company will know about the advantage and disadvantage of that company. If that service to customer not reach their standardize, the product will remade again.

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